Odd is how the day ended but it started out with the potential of complete boredom. Today I took 2 students from my high school to the Academic Decathlon. This was an all day competition at a local small university. On my way there I was pretty frustrated with having to spend a Saturday basically working. I was anticipating a day of boredom- the activities of the day were watching students take tests on a variety of subjects. I came prepared with work. Little did I know what awaited. At the university there was a room on the 2nd floor that was filled with a variety of stuffed animals of all kinds. As one kid put it, "There is a stuffed zoo upstairs." The representatives of the school were quite proud. I was disgusted!! There had to be over a hundred different animals including zebras, lions, elephant tusks, skins of all kinds, etc. What happened to conservation? Can we say poaching? I was truly shocked by the display of animals. Each had a plaque of when and where the animal was killed. What kind of education is being presented here? 2nd oddness/ disturbing moment.. Robb came up for lunch and because I was able to leave while the students were actually testing, we went and walked around the small town center and went into an antique store. About half way in the store Robb tells me to look up. Low and behold there is a huge Nazi flag hanging from the ceiling. We were both soo rattled. Definitely not what you expect to see.. In fact I do not think I have ever seen one in real life. What would posses someone to do this? While walking out of the store i kept thinking " should I go and rant and rave to someone?" I did not do this... we just left quickly. Weird stuff!!
This was a strange day indeed. The trophy room was so odd, and so unexpected. It really bothered both of us. And then the antique store with the flag!
Just when you think you've seen it all....just when you think we are actually making some progress in some areas....
Conversely, Hope, Emma, Lex and I attended a Health Expo today, which was quite affirming because all of us came out in the "normal" range on all screenings! In fact, in some areas, I was actually in better shape than my girls. I can't tell you what a major victory this is!!! I was so thrilled that I came home and ate 2 peanut butter sandwiches!
man that stuffed zoo sounds like my kinda place
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