Monday, May 21, 2007

A Great Adventure

This past week Robb and I decided that we would go camping on Friday. As a teenager I loved going camping!! (of course we had a pop up camper- which is a lot different than a tent) anyway... I love the outdoors, nature all around, the smell of campfires, the sound of people living in community. When we married we registered for a tent and air mattress but in our two years of marriage ( our anniversary was last Monday) we had not gone camping yet. Friday after work Robb came to meet me at work with the 2 dogs and we set out to find a place to lay our heads. The 1st place we went to had no open spots, apparently now days you can reserve a spot on the internet. (who knew??) I knew there was another state park about 30 minutes from where we were so we set out once again. Half way there Layla got car sick all over Robb's seats. Yuck!! After taking care of the mess we hit the road again. We got to the park and found a great spot. It was exciting to set up the tent, and begin the fire.-The fire starting was not a process without frustration!! We knew how it should work but- however it does not "only takes a spark to get a fire going." We had a great dinner. I learned in my teen years how to make Hobo Meals that cook on the coals of the fire. We loved sititng around the fire, relaxing and talking. the great thing about camping is you can go to bed when it is dark. This is when the night started to go down hill for me. The dogs would not get quiet. They were a little nervous about sleeping out in the wild and barked at every noise! Everytime I would almost be asleep one of the two would start barking. It also grew pretty cold! The low that night was 46. We had plenty of sleeping bags but somehow ended up sharing one spred out. Everytime I would try to cover my face with the sleeping bag to keep it warm, I would somehoe uncover Robb's feet. He had no idea why I was pulling and would cover his feet again, pulling it off my face. And while air mattress are better than the ground, it is not my comfy bed. Needless to say, when the sun came streaming in at 5:30 am, I was not ready to get up and meet the excited dogs. I was in a bad mood!! But after walking the dogs, packing up, and heading to McDonalds, life looked much brighter. We will do it again but have learned some valuable lessons. Hopefully our next camping adventure will contain the fun parts of Friday along with maybe a little more sleep.


K E Alexander said...

Corky and I've had nearly the same experiences with tent camping. We've gone twice for a week at a time. Rain is the one complication you did not have. Be very thankful!! The only thing more difficult camping sleep situation than the sleeping bag/air mattress scenario is the WET and MILDEW-Y sleeping bag/air mattress scenario!!

We never had dogs while camping but we did take Cayenne to Montana and Wyoming. She barked in motel rooms!! And, worse case, got loose in a military cemetary at Little Big Horn. The car (and all of us) was covered in white hair. But, it's the girls' most memorable vacation!

m.d. mcmullin said...

sounds like fun.

in college i was talked into foolishly camping in February up on chilhowee mountain. it got down to the 20's and we woke up with ice (frozen dew)inside our tent on our sleeping bags. that is a cold i have rarely felt nor do i look forward to feeling again.

Michelle said...

sounds like fun despite the discomforts. I can't say that I sit around and want to go camping, but everytime I have I loved it!